Thursday, July 26, 2012

Know It All!

Don't you just hate it when you know your right about something. Especially if it's something from your personal childhood and someone who obviously is not you tries to tell you the facts as if they were there and they pretty much call you a liar. Even if you back up what your saying with cold hard facts to support what your saying and even when you present it to them instead of apologizing for calling you a liar and suggesting you just don't know what your talking about they still don't apologize or acknowledge that your right and they are wrong! 

That really bugs me. I research alot of things and I don't know everything, but my mind is like a sponge and I try to retain information and grow in knowledge. It is just annoying that people can sometimes accuse you of things especially when you know your right, but you know there is no need to because no matter what they won't acknowledge this. 

How do you handle that? 

I'm starting to learn that even if you are right it is just better to sometimes hold your tongue and let people think what they will, even if they are wrong. I must have a know-it-all personality 'cause I find that so hard to do. It annoys me on a elemental level. It really bugs me to no end! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Even now thinking about it makes me feel annoyed! LOL. I have serious issues. 

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