Friday, July 27, 2012

Men: How I love Thee So...

So I was having lunch with a friend the other day when we started to talk about men and what kind of physical attributes we like about them.

I never thought I really had a physical type, but when I started mentioning some famous men that I find attractive I realized that I do have a type after all.

If approached I used to say that I like my men tall, dark and handsome. I like to keep things generic and safe sometimes. I also really do like tall men who have dark hair. I don't know what it is about tall men, but a guy who towers over me makes me feel weak at the knees and want to start acting like a love struck school girl.
What is it about tall men?

I don't know, but I hope they never stop!

So I decided to post up some pictures of famous men I like and maybe you guys can help point out there similarities in the hope that I can use it as a guide when approached by a significant other or potential significant other.

The following order of pictures is not by any preference or ranking, I love them all equally.

Liam Neeson: First of all he is very sexy and he seems to be a man with integrity and honor. I like those qualities and when you add a kilt to the mix it only sweetens the deal.

You might be asking yourself, why Jimmy Fallon, but if you have to ask you will never know. He is not just a funny man, he is a very talented individual who does not get the proper amount of recognition that he deserves. I also love a man with a great sense of humor. That is not negotiable. Jimmy seems like such a sweetheart. So Jimmy if your reading this. "Call me , maybe?"

James McAvoy, yes I know he's married, but its not like I'm lusting after him, this just from a totally relative research perspective, right? Right! He is gorgeous although not very tall and I wish him and his wife the best.

Cillian Murphy: what is not to love, look at those gorgeous eyes and gorgeous classic features.

Ian Somerhalder: Look at the man! Seriously look at him! WHAT more is there to say! Nina Dobrev I don't know how you landed him, but please call me and give me some pointers!

Hans Matheson: Talk about an amazing actor. He knows his craft and he works it beautifully. He is such a talented individual and he is truly one of a kind.

These are obviously not all the men I think are attractive, but I have to say I can definitely see the similarities among them. Firstly, they all have amazingly dark, brooding good looks. They have passionate piercing eyes, and they seem to have some sort of bohemian energy flowing off of them too. So I guess that means I like passionate, brooding men with piercing eyes and gorgeous good looks. Also as an afterthought they also all seem to be from the UK....Maybe this is a sign I should visit across the pond? Hmmmm....maybe I should.

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