Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Recruiter Agency part 1

I went to a recruiter yesterday. However, the job they claimed they were recruiting for was filled. So far that option is a no go. I think they were impressed with my skills, but it is hard to tell, sometimes. A lot of people like to pretend. It sucks, but it is the way of the world.

I am off to a different recruiting agency at the moment. I hope this isn't another wasted trip. I need a job badly at the moment. I have some other options to follow up on after this interview. I hope something pans out soon. I actually miss working. I am bored, very bored. I have plans that I want to act on, but I can't until I find employment. It is a very frustrating situation.

On a brighter note I did go see Batman after my not very productive interview yesterday. The dark knight rises, was excellent and it helped cheer me up and get my mind off things. Besides that the movie theater I went to had this great $7.00 Tuesday movie special. Finally a reasonably priced movie! 

 I also went to Barnes & Noble and found one of the movies I have been waiting to add to my collection for ages. The movie adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell's "North & South." The BBC version. It was the cheapest price I have ever seen it so I couldn't pass it up. I even double checked the price online for used ones and this one was still a better deal! Yay, for bargain shopping!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Homelessly Bound

I hate being homeless. I really hate it. It makes me feel like a loser and like I'm helpless (which I am not). I have been staying with my best friend and her family for over two months now and it looks like my extended visit is no longer tolerable. 

I totally get it, I mean I know I have been living on their charity and goodwill for much longer than I should have, but I didn't have any other real options. I am trying to make a go of things here and they have been a great help to me. I have been homeless, but at least I could stay with my best friend that somehow made me feel better about my homelessness. lol

Sometimes I think my life is a running joke. The only thing is I'm the only one who isn't laughing. I could go live with my mother in another somewhat nearby state, but I would rather keep that as my absolutely last resort. Like if I had no other choice but to live on the streets then and only then would I go home. There are many reasons why I feel this way, but just take my word for it. If I moved back home it would end badly. lol Very badly. 

I just found out that my friend and her family are going to allow me to stay with them until the end of September. I am soooo glad, I feel like I am really close to finding something. I even have 3 job interviews lined up for next week. Yay! One is for a private company, and the other two are for some recruiting agencies. 
I have been busy as a bumblebee and it looks like I will be even more busy before I actually do find something. 

Well it's definitely a start! Cheers to my future! I'll drink to that.   :-D 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Yay for Health

Today is officially my second day of working out in a really long time. I have the most awful diet habits. Maybe not the worst in the world, but they a re pretty bad. What makes it worse is that I know better. So I feel pretty good right now. 

I want to remember how great I feel right now, because it will hopefully help me to continue on my health and weight loss journey. I am so overweight it's not even funny. It's sad, it totally effects my life in every way and I hate it! So here is to being progressive! 

I want to be in better health. I think watching the Olympics inspired me. I love the swim meets!

At this point in my life until I lose a bit more weight I can't even safely pursue some of the sports I want to be a part of. Besides, I don't have a disposable income to contribute to a gym membership yet, but when I do I will have some fun!

I used to fence and swim and I would love to take back up with both activities, I also want to try boxing (which is the most intense workout you could possibly do). I am not physically prepared for a boxing class at the moment, but I look forward to being ready! 

So here is to fitness, health and progressive thinking.

One Day

I'm up way too late right now. I should be in bed, but instead I'm in bed watching Titanic. It's been ages since I watched this movie and caught it at the beginning. I love the beginning before everything goes to hell. My favorite part is when Jack and Rose are in steerage at the party and are having fun drinking and dancing in each others arms. 

Makes me think of my romantic life or rather my lack of one. I yearn for that kind of romance in my life. I yearn for it all except for the part where the boat goes down and people die. I try to be all bristly and ice-like for protective purposes, but deep down I am a hopeless romantic who would like to believe in happy beginnings and happy endings too. 

Maybe one day I'll find a mate that I can treat and love and respect as an equal. I want those things in my life; I need them; I yearn for them with every fiber of my being. 

SO cheers to a hopeless romantic that still hopes for her "One day"..............

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Empire State of Mind

When I first moved to NYC in March I thought I would have so many great job opportunities. So far nothing has come through and I have been unemployed now for way too long. I miss working. It's not like I'm not being open minded and being open to new jobs, or experiences. I have applied for a lot of sub par jobs too or at least what I would consider sub-par. I am used to making pretty decent money. I thought NYC would be great and I would make higher wages, because of the cost of living etc, but the jobs I see here want to pay me the same amount or less than what I was getting in my previous job in a smaller town where the cost of living was much more affordable. 

I feel so frustrated right now. I don't know whats going to happen to me, but I'm not giving in yet. It just feels like I have been climbing a mountain uphill for a long time, and I really want to take a break and rest, but I can't. 

 I don't want to move to a completely different state and move in with my mother (whom I love, but drives me nuts) But honestly my options are slowly moving out. I thought it would take me 3 months tops to get a job even a shitty one, but so far nothing has come through. 

I have been on a ton of interviews. I have signed up with temp agencies. I have trolled the internet and applied right and left for jobs. I have done quite a bit, but apparently not enough. I still have some tricks up my sleeve so I'm not throwing in the towel yet!

Besides if I can make it here, it will be like some self-validating test and it will be proof to myself and others that I really can make it on my own! 

"It ain't over till it's over" and I am not ready to give in yet. I feel like I am so close to something big that I can taste it, but it keeps eluding me. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Men: How I love Thee So...

So I was having lunch with a friend the other day when we started to talk about men and what kind of physical attributes we like about them.

I never thought I really had a physical type, but when I started mentioning some famous men that I find attractive I realized that I do have a type after all.

If approached I used to say that I like my men tall, dark and handsome. I like to keep things generic and safe sometimes. I also really do like tall men who have dark hair. I don't know what it is about tall men, but a guy who towers over me makes me feel weak at the knees and want to start acting like a love struck school girl.
What is it about tall men?

I don't know, but I hope they never stop!

So I decided to post up some pictures of famous men I like and maybe you guys can help point out there similarities in the hope that I can use it as a guide when approached by a significant other or potential significant other.

The following order of pictures is not by any preference or ranking, I love them all equally.

Liam Neeson: First of all he is very sexy and he seems to be a man with integrity and honor. I like those qualities and when you add a kilt to the mix it only sweetens the deal.

You might be asking yourself, why Jimmy Fallon, but if you have to ask you will never know. He is not just a funny man, he is a very talented individual who does not get the proper amount of recognition that he deserves. I also love a man with a great sense of humor. That is not negotiable. Jimmy seems like such a sweetheart. So Jimmy if your reading this. "Call me , maybe?"

James McAvoy, yes I know he's married, but its not like I'm lusting after him, this just from a totally relative research perspective, right? Right! He is gorgeous although not very tall and I wish him and his wife the best.

Cillian Murphy: what is not to love, look at those gorgeous eyes and gorgeous classic features.

Ian Somerhalder: Look at the man! Seriously look at him! WHAT more is there to say! Nina Dobrev I don't know how you landed him, but please call me and give me some pointers!

Hans Matheson: Talk about an amazing actor. He knows his craft and he works it beautifully. He is such a talented individual and he is truly one of a kind.

These are obviously not all the men I think are attractive, but I have to say I can definitely see the similarities among them. Firstly, they all have amazingly dark, brooding good looks. They have passionate piercing eyes, and they seem to have some sort of bohemian energy flowing off of them too. So I guess that means I like passionate, brooding men with piercing eyes and gorgeous good looks. Also as an afterthought they also all seem to be from the UK....Maybe this is a sign I should visit across the pond? Hmmmm....maybe I should.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Know It All!

Don't you just hate it when you know your right about something. Especially if it's something from your personal childhood and someone who obviously is not you tries to tell you the facts as if they were there and they pretty much call you a liar. Even if you back up what your saying with cold hard facts to support what your saying and even when you present it to them instead of apologizing for calling you a liar and suggesting you just don't know what your talking about they still don't apologize or acknowledge that your right and they are wrong! 

That really bugs me. I research alot of things and I don't know everything, but my mind is like a sponge and I try to retain information and grow in knowledge. It is just annoying that people can sometimes accuse you of things especially when you know your right, but you know there is no need to because no matter what they won't acknowledge this. 

How do you handle that? 

I'm starting to learn that even if you are right it is just better to sometimes hold your tongue and let people think what they will, even if they are wrong. I must have a know-it-all personality 'cause I find that so hard to do. It annoys me on a elemental level. It really bugs me to no end! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Even now thinking about it makes me feel annoyed! LOL. I have serious issues.